Download and print the forms you need, then drop them in the locked mailbox by the office. Changes are processed M-F. If a form is fillable, just fill out online, print, sign as needed, and scan and email to us at allyson@foxcanyonfarm.com
Existing Boarder Forms
Use this form to alert us to a variety of issues. If there is a true emergency, don't hesitate to alert us via phone. For all other requests, fill out this form. Non-emergency repairs M-F only.
Please fill out one form for each horse unless all changes are exactly the same for all horses.
New Boarder Forms
Download and print the forms you need, then drop them in the locked mailbox by the office. Changes are processed M-F. If a form is fillable, just fill out online, print, sign as needed, and scan and email to allyson@foxcanyonfarm.com
Please note: a $400 security deposit will be collected prior to arrival at Fox Canyon Farm. We will return your security deposit minus any outstanding balances via mail after your horse's departure.
We require proof of equine influenza and equine rhinopneumonitis vaccinations BEFORE arrival at Fox Canyon Farm. No exceptions. We also recommend Eastern/Western equine encephalomyelitis, rabies, tetanus, and West Nile virus. Please send us your most recent vaccination record or vet bill.
Use this form as an overview to be sure you haven't forgotten anything. The office will sign off as documents and payments are received.
Standard boarding agreement for a stall at Fox Canyon Farm (formerly Spirit Equestrian).
We require this form signed by anyone who will have contact with your horse. Keep a copy of this form in your tack trunk for guest riders and friends who will help you.
Let us know what needs your horse may have before its arrival.
Useful in case of emergency for you and your horse. Let us know who to call.
Use this form if you will be parking a trailer in our trailer lot.
Use this form if you would like to pay via credit card (one time or recurring).